
Dr. Sameera Gupta

  • Best Physiotherapist In Mumbai

    Physiotherapy at Home
    In Mumbai

    We have been serving for 25 Years and more in the field of physiotherapy. We provide in- clinic, home physiotherapy in Mumbai and online consultations too. Get consultation from best physiotherapist in mumbai

Why Go For Home Physiotherapy Sessions

If you are searching for home physiotherapy near me then You should try our home physiotherapy sessions in Mumbai. Our programs will help you in connecting with experts from world from your home. Best way to be safe and take medical consultation is to go for home physiotherapy sessions.

Save Time

Home Physiotherapy services saves a lot of time. It's flexible, there is no need for you to travel. At your comfort zone you will get all the health solutions.

Regular Followups

We have regular followup system where our experts will monitor your health regularly. You will get treatment at home


In covid times one should stay at home more. Home Physiotherapy programs help you in starting your health journey in a safer way.


Home physiotherapy programs are designed by experts which helps you in getting good results. You can notice a difference in a month's time.

Choose Our Medical Services
Get customized services according to your health issues.
You will get expert guidance and will experience positive changes in your health.
obesity treatment

Weight Loss

You will get customized diet plan and under expert’s guidance you can lose weight in a healthy way. Customized exercise programs will help you in starting a healthy life.

Spondylitis Nerve & Tendon Injuries


Physiotherapy will help you in living pain free life. You will get treatment from a physiotherapist in Mumbai and with the use of latest technology treatment becomes easy and effective.

skin care clinic

Skin Treatment

You can now have glowing and youthful skin in just some sessions. Get expert’s advice and guidance. Wear the confidence with us again.

physiotherapist in mumbai

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy (OT) helps people who are struggling with everyday tasks. It helps and  individual to regain some of their independence

Choose Our Happy Clients

We have been serving this industry since 25 years now. Check all the testimonial and if you are also looking towards the healthy life then contact us today!
